In the middle of busy week

It has been busy week so far. Finish writing class proposals for both Bojagi and cooking class, went to see my wonderful hair dresser, Sandra for hair cut (I have shorter hair now for the bike season!), taught Bojagi class at home ( thanks to Helen for beautiful tulip bouquet and a yummy coffee cake!), prepare some Maedub cord for Elizabeth ( thanks to Sujin for beautiful tulips, too!), went to Santa Clara for Lunar New Year preparation grocery shopping and just finished making helmet bags and munch boxes for my fellow Eden Road Divas.

Now I am sitting and thinking 'Should I hop on a bike and spin for 30 min ?' When I am busy, exercise is always losing it's priority ( I feel bad but it is true in my busy life.....)

Before I spin my bike, I want to share these beautiful flowers with you!

Spring is in the air now!

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