Quick report about my Saturday routine! Life

A group of women ride every Saturday morning to train for an upcoming event ride called 'Cinderella Classic'.

They all get up early in the morning and pump up tires, fill water bottle and going to the meeting place.

Some of them are novice who never done more than a 10-15 mile ride and some are veterans who are doing this for more than a decade. Our goal is riding 65 mile (metric century) on Saturday, April 6th this year!

We started our training in January and started with 10mile ride. Gradually increasing our mileage, today's ride was 35 mile ride with some hill climbing.

I started 5 years ago with only 10 mile ride experience and now I can help newbies like me!

Every week, I see progress and confidence level goes up :) And make more friends who enjoy this addicting activity!

Soon we will ride with our 2013 jersey and I will post picture!

Happy March!

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I am happy when...... Life

I got a very special valentine's card this year. One of the student in my bojagi class made this for me :) This is why I don't mind getting up at 5 am every Wednesday! Sweet and happy rewarding.

올해는 특별한 발렌타인 데이 카드를 받았어요. 수요일 보자기 클래스의 한 학생이 만들어 준 아주 작지만 큰 기쁨을 준 카드입니다. 새벽 5시에 일어나도 전혀 피곤하지 않아요!

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Claire Lilienthal Bojagi Class Update Bojagi

It's been a few weeks since we started this year and I want to share our progress with you! 3rd graders are making a cotton coaster and we did lots of "turning over like this and do small running stitches on top of it. Then we are done!"

Voila! We made it! 

지난 몇주간 수요일 보자기 클래스에서 어떤 재미난 수업을 했는지 조금 보여드리지요! 3학년은 차받침을 만드느라 '자, 이제 뒤집어서 겉에다 고운 홈질을 하면 완성이예요!"하는 과정을 지나왔답니다.

보세요! 완성했어요!

More to share! Upper graders made these cool Bok jumoni. We saw, we cut, we turned inside out and we finished! Actually some of them are not done yet but I am pretty sure we will finish next week. I am so proud of my 3, 4, 5, 6th graders!

고학년은 복주머니를 만들었지요. 바느질하고 잘라내고 뒤집고 드디어 완성! 아직 조금더 해야하는 아이들도 있지만 다음주면 다 만들것 같네요. 고사리 손으로 바느질하는 아이들, 참 예쁘고 자랑스러워요!

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