Seven friends Bojagi

I have seven good friends that I can't tell who is more important that others for me.
These have been my company while I was sewing and making bojagi in my studio. 
규중칠우 쟁론기를 기억하세요?
바늘, 실, 자, 인두, 다리미, 골무 그리고 가위가 규방여인네들의 일곱 친구이지요.
제게도 이 일곱친구들이 보자기작업실의 소중한 친구입니다.

A needle, thread, a ruler, a small iron, a big iron, a thimble and a pair of scissors are my seven friends.

There's old Korean story about seven friends of women.
One night they argued about who is the best friend of women and they all have the reason to prove themselves.  The sewing lady heard their argument and scolded them and fell asleep. They all complained about how people don't appreciate those seven friends' hard work. when the sewing lady heard them again, old thimble apologized and saved all seven friends' lives.
The story has lots of metaphor and all the characters are talking like people.
I wish I can translate in English well about the the story...... 

Here I found the picture of the seven friends.


Indoo and darimi

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Somkid's Thai cooking class Life

I have this good friend of mine.
Ever since I met her, she spoiled me so badly.
She raised my standard about Thai food so high.
She is a great cook and a wonderful party host.
We always have fun with good friends and fine cuisine.
Yesterday was her first day of teaching Thai cooking class in Castro Valley adult school.
She taught 2 dishes, Tom Yum Goong and Krapraw Mhoo.
Tom Yum Goong is a sour soup with shrimp and Krapraw Mhoo is a pork with sweet basil dish.
She gave us recipes and all the ingredients and we cut, boil and stir fry.
After we finished making dishes we sit and eat all the food we made and Kid answered the questions we had.
제 친구 키드는 우리가 처음 만난날부터 타이음식에 대한 제 잣대를 높여버렸답니다.
키드의 집에서는 늘 음식하는 맛난 소리와 유쾌한 대화가 끊이질 않지요.
그런 제 친구 키드가 어제는 드디어 타이 쿠킹 클래스를 열었답니다.
이웃동네 캐스트로 밸리 어덜트 프로그램으로 많은 사람들에게 이 기쁨을  나누어 주기시작했어요.
Tom Yum Goong이란 시큼하고도 시원한 국물과  Krapraw Mhoo 라는 돼지고기와 스윗베이질이 타이고추의 강렬한  맛에 버무려진 음식을 가르쳐주었답니다.
만드는 법과 재료를 주고 그녀는 테이블사이를 돌아다니기 시작했네요.
씻고 다듬고 썰고 끓이고 볶고.....
그렇게 만들어진 음식을 각자 덜어 먹으며 이야기 꽃을 피우는 동안 세시간이 후딱 지나가네요. 

I can't wait till next Saturday that she will teach another favorite Thai dish of mine, Panang!
Thanks a lot, Kid!
다음주엔 제가 가장 좋아하는 Panang을 가르쳐준답니다.
고마워, 키드!

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New class Bojagi

New class has opened in Pleasanton!
Every week, 3 ladies are coming to my house and we are having fun.
Join us! 
It's not too early to make goodies for the holiday season :) 

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