Schedule for 2017 (Feb.-May.) Default Category

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Happy New Year! 새해 복 많이 받으세요! Bojagi

Traditional Korean costumes don't have any pockets therefore people wore small drawstring pouches to carry personal items. Many shapes of pouches were made and used for daily life. Some were embroidered with auspicious symbols such as ten longevity symbols (sun, cloud, rock, bamboo, water, pine tree, mushroom of immortality, turtle, crane and deer). Some were made with 5 directional colors (blue-east, white-west, red-south, black-north, yellow-center). 

Bokjumeoni, "fortune pouch", was worn as a good luck charm. The pouch was a popular gift item for the first Pig Day or Rat Day of the New Year, as it was believed that attaching it to one's clothes on those days would help to expel evil forces and bring good luck for the entire year.

I had a great year meeting many people, sharing bojagi and traveling around the world. I am thankful that I can do what I love. 2017 is just around the corner and I wish for another creative and meaningful year for all of you!  Good fortune and happiness!

In addition to teaching bojagi classes, three textile artists (including me) are going to lead Korea Textile Tour during October 16-26, 2017. This is an unique chance to taste of Korean art, foods and rich culture in the heart of Seoul. If you want to know more about this, check this website. I hope to take this adventure with you!

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Time to wrap up Default Category

It has been a busy year! I traveled to teach classes and workshops, went to Korea to attend the Korea Bojagi Forum, and took a trip to Europe. Next year I have a new project to announce. Three textile artists (Lissa Miner, Mirka Knaster and I) are going to take a small group of textile enthusiasts to Korea! October 16-26, 2017

We will visit museums, galleries, temples and take workshops to learn Korean textile art.

Here's our website about this trip and feel free to browse this. 

If you are looking for an adventure, let me know!

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