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New Green Lily Pad Placemat
Category News
Year of the Snake celebration
Starting Indiegogo campaign!
Are you interested in Korean traditional embroidery?
Project #1 Kit is available in Etsy shop
Bojagi, The art of Fine Korean Stitching-DVD
Lunar New Year Celebration
Have a great summer break!
Welcome back!
For my cycling friends.
Bojagi Exhibition in Fullerton
Bojagi and Maedub demonstration on 2/13/2011
New color, bigger pockets!
New Moshi Jogakbo
Moshi Jogakbo Tote
AAM giftshop has my bojagi!
At Oakland Museum on Jan. 29th
Working on mailing list
I was previleged to show bojagi.
Saturday, September 24, 10:30 am - 4:00 pm
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