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Category News
De Young Open 2023
ACTA Apprenticeship public engagement exhibit
Knot Bouquet Class is coming up!
Bojagi in Paris, France
Surface Design Association talk
SDA 2022 Conference
Korean Textile Talk
Double happiness with oQamoQa exhibit
SCM workshop gets Korean Cultural Center LA's support!
DanO celebration
The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson, another segment in show 2902
Article in KoreaNet
Flower Pin Cushion class at A Verb for Keeping Warm
Category Workshop
Gwi Jumeoni sachet class
Bojagi, Wrapping Cloths DVD is available to watch online
Flower Pin Cushion Booklet is now available!
Interview with Create Whimsy Spotlight
Maedeub class on March 15th in San Francisco
Flower Pincushion class at A Verb on 12/5/2020
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