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신문기사 모음 Articles about Bojagi workshop Default Category

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Community Bojagi Project and workshop #1 Bojagi

Early morning on Friday, heavy rain woke me up! It was 4:30 am but I started my day anyway. I had to catch 7 am flight from SFO to LAX. I hope no one heard me snoring in the air plane :) When I arrived at LAX (Los Angeles Airport), Jeanny came to pick me up. We headed to LACMA and met Karen there. And I saw our community bojagi! It was already big! Many people participated and all the stitches were different but it was beautiful!

지난 금요일 새벽 세찬 빗소리에 잠에서 깨어나보니 4시 30분! 졸린 눈을 비비고 일어나 7시 비행기에 몸을 실었지요. 엘에이 공항에 내리니 교육부의 지니가 마중을 나왔네요. 곧장 박물관으로가서 캐런을 만나 미팅을 하고 컴뮤니티 보자기를 드디어 봤습니다! 지난 2주간 많은 사람들이 참여해서 각기 다른 바느질 솜씨를 가지고 이렇게 멋진 보자기를 만들고 있네요.

When I went to LACMA last month, I taught a special workshop for the Boone gallery staff. I felt their enthusiasm while I was teaching them and 'Voila!' Look how they guided the audience to this project! It is a lovely work and I was very impressed. Karen said that she worried at the beginning but I think she is feeling better  now. Some of the pieces are decorated by children and some are done by their parents, adults and staff members. By the time when I was leaving on Saturday, this bojagi was already got bigger than this.

지난달  교육부 직원들만을 위한 특별 워크샵을 했던 보람이 있네요. 힘들어 하던 시작과는 달리 이렇게 멋진 보자기가 되도록 이끌어 놓았군요. 캐런은 프로젝트가 너무 어려울까 걱정을 많이 했다지만 이렇게 멋지게 자리를 잡고 있네요.

가 많이와서 걱정을 했지만 많은 사람들이 토요일 오후 보자기 워크샵 #1에 참석을 했습니다. 3시간동안 열심히 예물보 (선물보자기)를 만들었지요. 7살 쌍둥이 아가씨들도, 이미 바느질이 익숙해서 테디베어에게 기모노를 만들어 입혔다는 소녀도, 온가족이 함께 온 집도, 그리고 엄마와 딸이 함께 온 집도 있었답니다.

On Saturday afternoon, people came to the Boone gallery for bojagi workshop #1. Despite the weather ( it was raining hard and very windy), many people came and we spent 3 hours making Yemulbo (Gift wrap bojagi). My youngest students were 7 year old twin girls and they were great! And I had a girl who already knows a lot about sewing ( she made her teddy bear's kimono by herself). Families came and enjoyed Saturday afternoon making bojagi and mother and daughter came together and sitting next to each other, too. Some are experienced and some are novice but everybody was enjoying same thing, bojagi.  One reporter from the local newspaper brought very precious bojagi and we all admired those. Her late mother gave them to her when she moved from Korea to here. She made those bojagi when she got married in 1930s. I never seen this old but good conditioned bojagi before. 

한국일보 기자분은 돌아가신 어머니께서 시집올때 해오신 오래된 소중한 보자기를 가져와서 모두의 눈을 호강시켜 주셨네요. 

Many people said they will be back next workshop and I am happy to prepare for second project. It should be a new idea and I am very excited to introduce this another fun project in April.

많은 사란들이 다음달에 다시 오겠노라며 갤러리를 떠나는 바람에 다음달엔 새 프로젝트를 가지고 가야 합니다. 저역시 매번 같은걸 하기보다는 새로운걸 가르치고 싶은 마음이어서 신나게 새 재료를 준비할 거예요.  

See! this is growing everyday!! 

보세요, 보자기가 매일 매일 자라고 있습니다!

4월에 다시 만나요, 여러분!

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