Happy September Bojagi

Back to school week is always tiring. Kids are tired because they have to get up early and go to school everyday. Moms are busy arranging back to school gatherings, ha ha! Last week, baby went back to school and I was busy trying to meet mom friends, teaching a class, cleaning the house and making this new bojagi.

Not much of color this time but try to concentrate on the lines, shapes and stitches.

Sheer silks like Nobang (organza) and Shantung are very promising for Ssamsol technique.

I will be back with finished work soon. Stay tuned!

긴 여름방학이 끝나고 학교가 시작되면 다들 바쁘고 피곤하지요. 아이들은 늦잠대신 아침일찍 등교하느라 피곤하고 엄마들은 밀린 커피만남이나 점심데이트하느라 바쁘고요, 하하! 저역시 지난주는 개학맞이 점심만남에 보자기 클래스에 밀린 집안청소에 바빴지요. 게다가 새로운 보자기 작업을 시작해서 분주하기도 하고요.

소색과 흰색을 주로 써서 단순해보이지만 선과 형태를 돋보이게 하려고 고심중입니다.

오간자로도 불리우는 노방과 산퉁실크를 써서 쌈솔로 이어나가고 있어요. 완성하면 금방와서 보여드릴게요!

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One step closer Bojagi

2 out of 3 projects are done in DVD! One more to go and some other works left. It's been very interesting and  busy summer this year. Many changes, meeting new people and became friends each other.... Life is good and I am enjoying every single moments. Whether it's a happy moment or not, I have to cherish my long journey of my life. Sometimes I can plan and control but many times I have to confront unexpected things. But if life goes only as I planned and expected, I wouldn't be able to have some joys in my life.

Please stay tuned! The moment is coming and I would like to celebrate with all of you!!

3개의 프로젝트 중에 2개를 다 찍었어요! 하나 더 찍고 나머지 작업을 하면 완성입니다. 이 여름은 분주했지만 의미있는 날들이었어요. 많은 변화와 새로운 만남 그과정에 친구가 더 생겼고.... 인생에 작은 순간들도 감사하고 즐겁게 생각하려고 늘 노력합니다. 계획을 세우고 실천하면서 살려고 하지만 예기치 않은 일 들은 늘생기지요. 좋든 어렵든 그순간들도 받아들이며 살아가는게  말만큼 쉬운일은 아니지만 그래도 깜짝 놀라는 순간들도 있어야 삶이 지루하지 않지요.

자, 조금만 더 기다려 주세요! 곧 기쁜 마음으로 건배를 하며 즐길 순간이 올겁니다!

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Stiring dye tub Default Category

A few weeks ago, I took a special workshop about dyeing. And guess what? I am hooked!

The reason I learn this was because of the fabric supply for bojagi. For me, it's not that difficult to get fabrics from Korea but I have to have a suggestion for the people who are living in different part of the world. My producer, Andrew Galli arranged the workshop with Ana Lisa Hedstrom (she is well known shibori artist!) and I had a great time at her studio. 



First, I did tea dye and got a range of beautiful browns. I am developing this brown but not boring bojagi. Tea gave all different hues of brown color to these silk, cotton, hemp and ramie fabric.

These are my newly dyed stash of fabrics. I used fiber reactive dyes and silk acid dye.

One of my projects in my DVD will show the bojagi made with my own hand dyed fabrics. It was wonderful that I can create my own color combinations from dying process. Audrey said that this tub looks like Miyokgook (seaweed soup)  :)

I dyed more and more after I came back home and now I have a boxful of hand dyed silk fabrics. I only need more time to sew!

I will be back with finished project soon! Hint! This will be my DVD project!

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