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I am a little behind..... It's already a second day of the year of snake!

Happy Lunar New Year!

One of many good things celebrate Lunar New Year is making/adjust my new years resolution again. Work? it's going well. Bojagi work? not good at all.... I need to put more time and effort in. Bike riding? going well but need to ride more during the week. Self discipline? still a long way to go......

Anyway, I was a bit busy last week to prepare my family ritual for Lunar New Year's day. Since my hubby is an oldest son, we are in charge of our rituals for our family ancestors. I drove to Santa Clara for getting ingredients, prepare all the foods that we need and cleaned the special silverware for the ritual.

조금 늦은 감이 없지않지만 새해 복 많이 받으세요!

뱀의 해 둘째 날입니다. 음력 설을 쇠면서 새해 계획이 잘 진행되고 있는지 한번 짚어보고 갈 수 있어서 좋지요.

일은 바삐 잘  진행되고 있고, 자전거도 열심히 타고 있지만 주중에 한번쯤 더 타야 할 것 같고, 보자기 작품은 하나도 손을 못 대고 있으니 반성하고, 스스로에게 너무 너그럽지 않도록 마음을 다져 먹어야겠고.....

지난주는 분주하게 지나갔답니다. 설 준비를 하느라 한국시장을 봐오고 음식을 준비하고 제기를 꺼내어 닦고 그러느라 바빴지요.

Making broth for rice cake soup and Galbichim-떡국과 갈비찜 준비중

And Jeon (pancake shaped fish, vegitables, meatballs etc. -전도 부쳤구요. 미리 만든 완자전은 냉장고 속에....

Galbichim (braised short rib)- 갈비찜이 거의 다 되갑니다

Oh! I forgot to take picture of Namul (Vegitable dishes) and  a rice cake soup.....

나물과 떡국사진은 깜빡했네요 ㅠㅠ

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In the middle of busy week

It has been busy week so far. Finish writing class proposals for both Bojagi and cooking class, went to see my wonderful hair dresser, Sandra for hair cut (I have shorter hair now for the bike season!), taught Bojagi class at home ( thanks to Helen for beautiful tulip bouquet and a yummy coffee cake!), prepare some Maedub cord for Elizabeth ( thanks to Sujin for beautiful tulips, too!), went to Santa Clara for Lunar New Year preparation grocery shopping and just finished making helmet bags and munch boxes for my fellow Eden Road Divas.

Now I am sitting and thinking 'Should I hop on a bike and spin for 30 min ?' When I am busy, exercise is always losing it's priority ( I feel bad but it is true in my busy life.....)

Before I spin my bike, I want to share these beautiful flowers with you!

Spring is in the air now!

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Eden Road Divas 2013 Life

The training has been started in January and we did our #3 training ride last Saturday. Cull canyon is only 12 miles to the top and the bottom but steady hill makes our legs work hard. This Saturday ride will be flat but longer to built our endurance.

Every January, a group of ladies are training for the season opener, Cinderella Classic bike ride. I joined in 2008 and fell in love with it! We start from 10 mile ride and gradually increase the mileage up to 65mile. Some times we ride flat roads with smile and some times we climb hills, mountains with our teeth grinding. After 10-12 weeks of training, we all can ride this metric century with a big smile! I started as a constant falling beginner and now I help out newbies.

This year, I designed my second jersey for our group, Eden Road Divas. Eden bicycles in Castro Valley is our supporting bike shop. With Eden bicycles, our prince charming SAG and experienced ride leaders Divas are ready to rock again this year!

If you want to see our old jersey design, click here!


1월부터 시작된 트레이닝은 벌써 세번째 라이드까지 왔답니다. 정상까지 왕복 12마일의 Cull canyon은 거리는 얼마되지 않지만 꾸준한 경사로 우리 다리를 단련시킵니다. 다음주는 평지에서 좀더 긴 거리를 달릴 예정입니다.

1월이 되면 우리는 자전거 시즌을 시작하는 신데렐라 클래식 라이드를 준비하는 트레이닝을 시작합니다. 2008년에 처음 시작하고는 그 매력에 푹 빠져 버렸지요. 10마일을 시작으로 점점 거리와 강도를 높여 65마일을 거뜬히 타게되지요. 어떤날은 콧노래를 부르면서 평지를 달리고 또 어떤날은 비장한 각오로 언덕과 산길을 올라가지요. 10-12주의 훈련이 끝나면 신데렐라 100킬로(65마일)을 웃으면서 완주합니다! 첫해엔 그저 넘어지고 오뚜기 같이 일어나고를 반복하던 제가 이젠 초보자를 도와 줍니다 ㅎㅎ

Castro Valley의 Eden Bicycles과 든든한 백마탄 왕자같은 SAG 이 우리 뒤를 든든하게 해줍니다.

올해 우리의 두번째 팀 져지 디자인을 하고 얼른 입고 신데렐라 라이드를 나갈 희망에 부풀어 있답니다!

작년 져지를 보고 싶으시면 여기로!


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