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Basic Tools for Boajgi making

Youngmin 2014.02.08 07:59 Views : 9412


Let's check the basic tools for bojagi making.


There is a story about a lady's 7 friends in Korea. A ruler, a pair of scissors, a needle, a spool of thread, a small iron, an iron, a thimble are arguing about who is the best friend of a lady in the house for sewing. They all insisted "I am the best friend of my lady because~" 

“Without me, who can measure and know if it's too long or too short? But I have to cut precisely. If I am not fast, how can you make small and big stitches? But you can finish stitching without me! without my support, our lady's finger gets tired soon. I make small seams look just nice as glued together. But you only help a small part. I get rid of all the wrinkles from the costume....... “


when I make bojagi, my friends are-


Scissors- 8" fabric scissors are my favorite and I only use this for cutting fabrics.

4" Embroidery scissors are good to trim off threads.

Needles- Thin, sharp needle is good for silk fabrics. 

These are ones in my sewing box but any brand of a sharp needle with a small eye will work.

Crown- long and sharp needle 42.4 x 0.56 mm

Clover- gold eye applique no.10 (33.3x0.46 mm)

John James -quilting needle size 10

Bohin -longues sharp no.10

Bohin - ½ longues/Grand chas, Betweens/Big eye no.10

Tulip- 33.3 x 0.56 mm

Jeana Kimball’s Foxglove Cottage-Sharp needles size 9

Sue Daley-milliners needles size 9 (bigger eye)

Pins- Fine or extra sharp pins are good for thin silk fabrics. Extra-long pins are good for Bakjwi (bat) making.

Threads#50 silk threads are good for silk bojagi. #30 and #16 are thicker threads and good for decorative stitches.

 #40, #50 cotton threads are good for ramie, hemp, linen, and cotton bojagi making.

Ruler- 3" x18", 4" x8" grid rulers are my favorite, but you can try different sizes, too.

Iron and an ironing board- I keep my Bojagi iron from everyday iron. I like the cordless iron with the heating dock.

Thimble- Protects your fingers from work.


And I have some new friends,

Rotary Cutter- Different sizes by blade size. 27mm blade is good for smaller or finer fabrics but 45mm is fine to use, too. Change a blade when it skips cutting fabric.

Cutting mat- 12" x18" is good for starting. 

Hera marker- This is a very useful tool that you will use all the time. This will make a crease on the fabric and you can use it to fold and sew fabrics.

Fabric pencil- Fabric pencils that erase with water.





