Joined AVQ, finally~ Life

It's been 13 years since I live in this town and finally I made a move forward! I went to the monthly meeting for 'Amador Valley Quilters', AVQ this afternoon. The meeting was held in the multi purpose room at my daughter's old middle school. I didn't expect that many people but when I stepped in the MPR, I was surprised! That big room was packed with people, books, quilts and excitement. After some introductions and announcement, there was a guest speaker.LLaura Wasilowski's Art Quilts: The musical was very interesting! She was performing her art quilts world by singing lots of songs. It was very unique lecture about the art quilts. Here's her website;

After the lecture, there was a time for sharing and I was able to show some bojagi works to many quilters.

I am hoping that more people get a chance to see Bojagi! And I am happy to be a messenger!

Here's a link of AVQ,

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